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OptiMag® Neuro caps (Magnesium L-Threonate)

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As you grow older, your body becomes less efficient in absorbing important vitamins and minerals. So, despite a healthy diet rich in fresh organic vegetables, you may still come up short in certain nutrients. One such mineral is magnesium. Experts believe that as many as 80% of Americans don’t get enough. Because there are no reliable lab tests for magnesium, you have no way of knowing where you stand. Fatigue and weakness may be your only clues that you’re low!

Magnesium is essential for building both your bones, DNA and genetic materials. It also supports the body’s normal detoxification process.*

Clinical Applications

Delivering 2,000 mg of patented Magtein magnesium L-threonate, our Magnesium LThreonate is the preferred form over other types of magnesium for several reasons, including...

  • Having superior absorption characteristics of any form of magnesium.
  • Having high-cellular penetration characteristics, allowing it to cross your blood-brain barrier and penetrate cell membranes.*
  • Significantly reducing GI discomfort –, unlike other forms of magnesium that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and loose stools, magnesium L-threonate does not act as a laxative.*